I found these 2 pillowcases.
2 eyelet pillowcases and a Spongebob crib sheet. Layla and Ruby would love a nightgown out of this.
Blog Archive
Tuesday, June 30, 2009
Thrift Finds at a new Goodwill Store
We go to Columbia a lot and was so happy to know they have a Goodwill. I was so happy to find another one. They had a lot of stuff. I'll have to go by myself sometimes. My husband loves to go but he only has a few things he looks at. I could stay all day.
Buttercup Bag and Wallet Purse
I've been busy this week. So far I've made 2 purses, 1 child gown, and an apron.
Then I made this wallet purse from Favorite Things. It was kind of complicated. Now that I finished it, the next one should be a lot easier. The buttons are Debbie Mumm. I love her buttons.
Monday, June 29, 2009
Layla and Ruby chasing squirrels
My girls love to watch the squirrels. Layla really wanted to get some close up pictures, but the squirrels are camera shy. She makes me read Oodles and Oodles blog about the baby squirrel she found in her back yard. It is now marked as one of our favorites.

Those girls are getting close.
Their up in the tree baby girl.
This is what squirrels eat.
We had a lot of fun this weekend with the girls. They always make me laugh.

New Apron from vintage curtains

Friday, June 26, 2009
Garage Sales and Stitcher's Garden

This little rooster thing is called a vinegar jar. It looks very old and was only $1 at an Estate Sale. I also got the vintage buttons and scarfs for $3. (think I have enough buttons now). They had a lot of things. Most of it was very expensive.
I went to many garage sales, but didn't find a lot at them.
Went to a quilt shop in Franklin called Stitcher's Garden. They have so much fabric. It ranges from $6.95 to $8.95 a yard. They have Moda, Anna Maria Horner, Amy Butler, Michael Miller, vintage replica and vintage Civil War fabric, plus lots more. I found 3 pieces of Tina Givens. If you are ever in Franklin, TN you've got to stop by. I'm getting my yardage list and going back.

Thursday, June 25, 2009
Giveaway from "My Crazy Kids"
The buttons I won

Wednesday, June 24, 2009
Another Messenger bag.

Tuesday, June 23, 2009
Happy Birthday Anthony

Anthony knew his alphabet when is was 20 months old. By the time he was 3 he was reading books. He was also very good with math by the time he was 3. His first grade teacher was amazed and had to go to 2nd and 3rd class to get books for him to read.
When he went into 2nd grade the teachers wanted to move him to the 3rd grade. We did that and it turned out great. He always made the honor roll and won citizenship awards.
He went to college for 6 weeks, got homesick and never went back. He always had good jobs and finally had his dream come true and now owns his own comic book store. (We all have our own dreams).
I love you.
Monday, June 22, 2009
My babies and their Dad

We had dinner here at my house. My Dad was here and we all had a great day. My sister didn't get to come. She had another scan and has more cancer spots on her liver. She gets sick at her stomach a lot and can't eat much. Please keep her in your prayers.
Friday, June 19, 2009
Fun at the Pool
We had a great day yesterday. I took 3 kids shopping (that's not the fun stuff), played at McDonalds, then we went swimming at their Great Aunt Carla's pool. Why does Layla have to scrunch her pretty face like that? It was soooooo hot, but the pool was nice. I took a few pictures of Jakob but he wouldn't want me to share them.
Carla's pool is like going on vacation. It is beautiful and I can almost see it from my house. How lucky are we?

Carla's pool is like going on vacation. It is beautiful and I can almost see it from my house. How lucky are we?

Wednesday, June 17, 2009
Busy Week
I've been busy this week with the grandchildren. Jakob and I went to see "Land of the Lost". It was pretty good. Rest of the week the girls are keeping me busy.
Joann's has their buttons 50% off this week. I really like these big buttons. So I had to get some.
Joann's has their buttons 50% off this week. I really like these big buttons. So I had to get some.
Monday, June 15, 2009
Quilts I've made
My camera is broken. So I picked out a few pictures of quilts I've made from the past.
The top quilt is a sampler that was a lot of fun to make. This is a picture I scanned so it's not the best quality. The bottom was even more fun to make. I machine appliqued. This was for Jakob when he was 4 years old.

Friday, June 12, 2009
Rooster Yard Sale
Hope everyone has a great weekend.
Thursday, June 11, 2009
Thrifting again
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
Completed 2 tops today
This one is for me. Made from Simplicity 3835. First time I made a top from this pattern. I had made 2 dresses and really like them. Made from a sheet I had purchased a while back. I made lounge pants back in December.
This is the second top from Simplicity 3799 for my daughter. Fabric came from Joann's.
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
My Messager Bag
Monday, June 8, 2009
Yard sale finds
Stopped by many yard sales Friday and found this cute pyrex bowl for $1.00. Saturday hubby and I went to a few yard sales and found the tiny little pyrex for $.50 and this very old iron for $1.00.

At one yard sale Saturday they were asking $30.00 for this guitar. It is a small guitar for a child in a case. Not sure what they sell for, but hubby got her down to $10.00. That's a good deal. I'll have to take him more often.
Pimped out booster seat covers
When you buy second hand you don't always get the best looking. Got these booster seats for the girls and washed the covers. Bought new material with coupon at Joann's. I bought a yard because Lori has 2 booster seats to cover. I backed it with a scrap piece of sheet, stuffed more batting inside to make it more comfortable. They love them.
Wednesday, June 3, 2009
Repurposing TShirts
Found these tshirts at Walgreens for $1.00 each (if you buy 5). Layla told me she wanted a turtle and a snail on her shirt. Ruby wouldn't let me know, but I know she loves ponies and unicorns. These two pictures are bathing suit cover-up. This picture is really bad. The front seams are zigzagged with feather stitch and ribbon on the border.
Layla's turtle didn't turn out like I wanted. I downloaded all of these patterns from Designs by sick. They embroider pretty good until the last color which is black and an outline.
On this shirt I just cut off the sleeves and did a little stitching and added a ribbon.
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