Today's my son's 31st birthday. Time has flown by since that morning he was born at 5:01 am. That is a day I will never forget. I'm very proud of him. He is a great son.
Anthony knew his alphabet when is was 20 months old. By the time he was 3 he was reading books. He was also very good with math by the time he was 3. His first grade teacher was amazed and had to go to 2
nd and 3rd class to get books for him to read.
When he went into 2
nd grade the teachers wanted to move him to the 3rd grade. We did that and it turned out great. He always made the honor roll and won citizenship awards.
He went to college for 6 weeks, got homesick and never went back. He always had good jobs and finally had his dream come true and now owns his own comic book store. (We all have our own dreams).
I love you.