My new bowl sitting along with my old bowl.

Some things I'm working on to paint, from Lori
thrifting. I really love that rooster. See the back below. Made in Japan. Looks like it's electric. No electrical cord.

My other
thrifted roosters Lori found for me. The little kettles are salt and pepper shakers, one has a rooster, the other is faded.

Added bonus.

My gift from Lori for my birthday. From Hobby Lobby.

Loving my time at home. Yesterday was so beautiful here, worked outside most of the day. Went for a nice long walk, painted our tool shed, tried to do everything in one day. A few sore muscles, but not bad. It's 7:00 AM and sun just peaked in on a another beautiful day. Temps here are still in the middle 80's, not bad.
Time for a walk. I'll show my finished trivets later.